Structural Materials Testing Equipment

Smart Masonry enabling SAFEty-assessing STructures after earthquakes

SHMLab is equipped with an extensive array of material testing equipment, including the following:

  • Uniaxial Testing Machine: This machine boasts a maximum force capacity of 5000 kN, operated by a servo-hydraulic control unit with 750 W power and a maximum pressure of 700 bar.
  • Servo-Controlled Pneumatic Universal Testing Machine: With a 14 kN capacity, this machine includes an environmental chamber for versatile testing conditions.
  • High-Precision Dynamometer: Capable of testing specimens in both compression and tension, this dynamometer has a loading capacity of 50 kN.

In addition, the laboratory is equipped with cutting-edge devices for casting, inspecting, and testing innovative nanocomposite materials, including cement-based composites. This advanced equipment suite supports SHMLab’s mission to conduct pioneering research and develop new solutions in Structural Health Monitoring and material science.