Talks and Invited Talks
in International Conferences

Smart Masonry enabling SAFEty-assessing STructures after earthquakes

Here you can find a selection of talks and invited talks in International Conferences concerning SMS-SAFEST Project.

SPIE NDE 2024 – Keynote presentation: Advancing Seismic Monitoring of Masonry Structures with Smart Bricks: Recent Developments and Future Prospects. Look at the slideshow presentation below.

Speaker: Prof. Filippo Ubertini

EWSHM 2024
Smart Clay Bricks enabling Diffuse Strain Monitoring in Masonry Buildings: Progresses at Full-scale.

Speaker: Prof. Filippo Ubertini

SMAR 2024Multifunctional sensing mortar for masonry structures: first development and characterization.

Speaker: Dr. Antonella D’Alessandro

WCEE 2024 – Structural health monitoring of a full-scale masonry building prototype using smart bricks.

Speaker: Dr. Andrea Meoni

IOMAC 2024 – Last advancements in the diffuse structural health monitoring of masonry buildings from the experimental testing of a full-scale case study structure subjected to controlled damage.

Speaker: Dr. Andrea Meoni

Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience (JIPR) – Asian Concrete Federation (ACF) WEBINAR SERIES – Nanotechnology for Strain-Sensing Cement-Based Materials: Advancing Across Scales towards Full-Scale Application.

Click here to view the Keynote recording.

Speaker: Prof. Filippo Ubertini

NICOM8 2024 – Presentation in Smart and Multifunctional Concrete – Production and investigation on the piezoelectric properties of selfsensing cement-based composites with reduced graphene oxide.

Speaker: Daniel A. Triana-Camacho

XIICIM 2024 – Presentation in the Construction Materials Section – Cracking sensing in cement specimens doped with carbon micro fibers.

Speaker: Daniel A. Triana-Camacho

WoMAB 2024 – NDTs for the characterization of material degradation and structural damages of masonry arch bridges and collapse evaluation.

Speaker: Prof. Filippo Ubertini, Prof. Nicola Cavalagli